Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Safety First

Water safety is not just for people in our house.  Shells is ready for the beach, boat, and pool!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Days Off In The Summer

Sorry for the large break in posts.  So is the life of 2 Waterpark people in the summer...busy is an understatement!  Chris and I both are lucky enough to have at least one full day off together and on that one day we try to make the most of it.  So on our first day off we spent it with Shells at St. Andrews Beach on Jekyll Ilsand.   Chris fished...caught nothing.  I read...didn't finish the book.  Shells swam her little feet off.  Here are some fun photos of that day. 

We had so much fun just relaxing in the sun!

Day 2:  On the boat headed to Cumberland Island to do some fishing!
Captain Chris in that rediculous, yet cute hat


What an adorable shark!  Yes, for those that knew me from back home in Ohio, this is an amazing feet.  My grandma always teeses me about how when I lived in Ohio I was afraid of all bugs, lizards, snakes, and anything that was really slimmy or gross...times have surely changed.  Living in the South, you have to get used to bugs, frog (though they still creep me out), snakes, fishes, sharks,etc...

Yep, nothing to end a day on the boat than a beautiful sunset!

Day 3:
Nothing way to exciting to report today.  We just lounged around most of the day and just took a day to catch out breath and get ready for the next week.  We did have some fun jamming with Mandy at The Chapel, it is good to have both of us branch out with our musical abilities to our wonderful church.  In my final thoughts, I was driving today and heard the most awsome song by the Zach Brown Band and Jimmy Buffet and it seriously is exactly how I feel most days, her are just some of the lyrics...
 Wishing I was knee deep in the water somewhere
Got the blue sky breeze and it don't seem fair
Only worry in the world is the tide gonna reach my chair
Sunrise there's a fire in the sky
Never been so happy
Never felt so high
And I think I might have found me my own kind of paradise

This champagne shore washing over me
It's a sweet sweet life living by the salty sea
One day you could be as lost as me
Change you're geography
Maybe you might be

Knee deep in the water somewhere
Got the blue sky breeze blowing wind through my hair
Only worry in the world is the tide gonna reach my chair
Sunrise there's a fire in the sky
Never been so happy
Never felt so high
And I think I might have found me my own kind of paradise

I think that pretty much sums it all up!!